Solar PV and Battery Storage

Reduce your reliance on the grid by upto 90% installing Solar PV and Battery Storage. We don't offer set packages as we design our systems specifically for your home to maximise efficiency and ensure you are not investing where it won't benefit you.

Why choose us?

By integrating Solar PV and Battery Storage, you can significantly diminish your reliance on the power grid. Rather than offering standardised packages like larger companies we prioritize tailoring our systems to suit your specific home requirements. This approach enables us to maximise system efficiency and strategically allocate your investment where it will provide the greatest benefits.

Notably, we distinguish ourselves through our battery storage design. Unlike some companies that undersize batteries to lower project costs and attract more jobs, we prioritize the proper sizing of batteries to ensure optimal functionality.

Batteries serve two primary functions:
- Storing excess solar energy during the day for nighttime usage (particularly in the summer months).
- Charging overnight using off-peak tariffs, then discharging during peak tariff hours to meet your property's energy demands.
To learn more about battery storage sizing visit our eduction page!

The leading brands we install

2023 Featured Product - GSE In Roof

GSE Integration offers an excellent solar solution for a variety of roof types, particularly well-suited for new construction or re-roofing endeavors where the expense of tiling the installation area can be spared. The in-roof configuration involves embedding the solar panels into the roof, allowing for seamless tiling around them. Opt for GSE to enjoy a cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing, and bird-friendly solar solution that seamlessly combines sustainability with visual appeal for your roofing projects.

  • Sleek appearance
  • Velux integration
  • Reduce roofing costs
Enquire us

Remote Monitoring

Our renewable energy systems are equipped with diverse monitoring platforms. These platforms enable you to oversee the system's efficiency, make adjustments to settings, and visualise its real-time operation. By utilising a monitoring platform, we can promptly address any issues as they arise.

EXAMPLE - Giv-Energy Monitoring Graph

Graph Explained

Our commitment goes beyond simply installing the system and walking away. We prioritize ensuring that each of our clients possesses a fundamental understanding of how their renewable energy system operates. To facilitate this, our education page is a valuable resource filled with informative content and helpful videos. These resources are designed to enhance your comprehension of the system, enabling you to grasp its intricacies more clearly.

Education Page




Get in contact with our friendly team to discuss your options.

Free onsite consultation

We can offer a free site survey . Along with taking note of all the technical aspects of your property this is an opportunity for you to ask any questions. This is where your renewable journey begins!


Following your survey you will receive a tailored proposal pack. This will outline what Solar PV & Battery Storage solution we propose for your project  along with a wealth of educational information for you to better understand the proposed technologies.


If you choose to go ahead with the installation we will book it in at a time convenient for you. Leave the rest to us and your renewable system will be up and running before you know it

Get Started


At Creative Energy Ltd we take care of everything so you can relax and enjoy your new renewable system!

DNO application
Post installation support


Some Example Projects....

Job 1

19kWH Battery Storage Installation - Richmond

This customer already had 6kW of Solar PV up and running however he was not utilising it as effectively as possible. During the summer months, although he was being paid for exported generation to the grid he would have been much better off storing the energy for night time use. He had an existing 5kWH tesla battery storage system in place but as we see so often the system was undersized and the battery storage was not sufficient.

We installed an additional 19kWh of battery storage to supplement his existing setup. The client is now able to utilise all of his generation in house and during the winter months cover his full demand by charging the batteries during off peak hours.

Installation cost - £11,000

Job 2

8kW Solar PV, 20kWh Of Battery Storage, Zappi 7kW Charger & a Myenergi Eddi Diverter

The client has no renewables on site at all prior to us installing this system and was paying more than £100 a month in electricity.

We installed an 8kW Solar PV, 20kWh Of Battery Storage, Zappi 7kW Charger & a Myenergi Eddi Diverter. The client is now net zero, exporting more energy in the summer than they import in the winter months. The client is also self sufficient 8 months of the year with their energy bill being in the positive during those months, this allows them to build up credit for the winter months when they begin importing from the grid again.

Installation cost - £19,000

Job 3

3kW Solar Edge system with 9.5kWh of battery storage

This was a small self-built property on the river thames. The property was built to passive house standards and was heated by a heat pump so the electrical demand was relatively low.

We installed a Solar Edge 3kW system utilising an in roof solution. Due to the context of the installation being in a conservation area the in roof solution was a great choice.

Installation cost - £7000


I am refurbishing my property, can I use my own on site electricians and plumbers or do Creative Energy ltd need to do all of the work?

Let’s work together

We have become a preferred parter with multiple manufactures.  
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